E-Mobility Days Focus on Technology of the Future

E-Mobility live: WAFIOS and Gehring Technologies stage the "2nd Reutlingen E-Mobility Days" in Reutlingen with a special focus on an "Efficient Power Train". "The first RED - ...

WAFIOS AG Reutlingen Appoints Markus Arnold as New Managing Director for the American Subsidiary WAFIOS Machinery Corporation

WAFIOS AG Reutlingen, Germany, announces that the successor to David Purcell, who was killed in a tragic accident last year, will come from the company's own ranks. Executive Board spokesman Dr. ...

Secondlife - The New Trading Platform for Used WAFIOS Machinery is Online! Register Now and Place an Ad for Free!

WAFIOS is launching an online trading platform for used WAFIOS wire and tube bending machines which will be available to commercial users of WAFIOS machines. The new platform enables customers ...

„The Plus for your Production“

FMU+ Series from WAFIOS - The Universal Spring and Wire Forming System Now Offers Even More Performance and Operating Convenience In the manufacture of torsion springs, extension springs, extended ...

New alliance for electromobility

When a network electrifies What fits together technologically and strategically is growing together: the medium-sized machine manufacturers Gehring and Wafios are pooling their expertise together to ...

WAFIOS IoT Suite – iQsmartgrind to Simplify Process Analysis for Spring End Grinding

Carrying out a detailed analysis of spring end grinding reveals a complex process which - as part of the process chain for manufacturing helical compression springs - is expensive and presents ...

“WAFIOS ZO Series - The Legend Lives On“

Completely Revised High-Speed Machine for the Production of Extension Springs Features Numerous New Development The ZO 26 is the advanced version of the gobally successful WAFIOS ZO machines for the ...

Displaying results 8 to 14 out of 92


WAFIOS Machinery Corporation  
27 Northeast Industrial Rd 
Branford CT 06405 / USA 
Phone: 203-481-5555
Fax: 203-481-9854

E-Mail: sales@remove-this.wafios.us
Internet: www.wafios.us

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