WAFIOS AG Intensifies Activities in Tube Processing Sector and Announces the Foundation of the WAFIOS Tube Automation GmbH

WAFIOS AG, Reutlingen, and Diplom-Kaufmann Christian Benzing, Stuttgart, founded the WAFIOS Tube Automation GmbH with effect as of November 2. WAFIOS Tube Automation GmbH acquired the assets of Rosenberger AG. With regard to the future international strategic focus of the former Rosenberger AG, the two companies are ideal partners. The newly founded company's goal is to continue and expand the existing product range of the Rosenberger AG and to pool their activities with the tube bending technology of the WAFIOS AG. Rosenberger is one of the technically leading manufacturers of tube bending machines and machines for processing tubes, e.g. cutting, bending and forming tubes as well as automating these processes.

The WAFIOS Tube Automation GmbH has plants in Simonswald and Apolda, Germany. The existing know-how of the tube processing periphery and automation technology will be strengthened in the future. WAFIOS Tube Automation GmbH benefits from the fact that it does not only have access to the tube bending machinery program of its parent company but can also use the global service and sales network of WAFIOS AG. Thus WAFIOS Tube Automation GmbH has an excellent starting point for the production of fully integrated, automated tube processing machinery systems. Customers will profit from this merger as they can continue to count on the quality delivered by Rosenberger and WAFIOS and have now worldwide access to linked solutions from a single source.


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