WAFIOS Presents the FMU 6.7 Spring Coiling Machine, Now Designed for Processing High-strength Spring Steel Wire up to 6.30 mm in Diameter

By now, the FMU model series can be considered one of the most successful machine series in the over 100-year-long history of WAFIOS AG, and has been installed hundreds of times on the market around the world.

Fig. 1: FMU 6.7 Tool Area

By now, the FMU model series can be considered one of the most successful machine series in the over 100-year-long history of WAFIOS AG, and has been installed hundreds of times on the market around the world. 

The universal machine concept of the series, with a nearly unlimited range of products, now covers the entire relevant wire thickness spectrum. In addition there are a great number of upgrade and retrofitting options, depending on the the machine configuration, and no follow-up operations are necessary, i.e, the parts can be produced ready to use.

However, output quantity does not suffer from the increased flexiblity and universality of the FMU series, as is common elsewhere. On the contrary, the FMU sets standards on the market, and that all the more as the range of parts becomes more complex. Also contributing to this is the high availability thanks to tooling times being minimised by the use of standard tools, for example the possibility of parallel operation on the machine.

The rigid machine design and the positively driven slides ensure precision and repeatability and thus support the WAFIOS claim to achieve ultra-premium quality with zero-error production. The seamless documentation included with the machine and operation data acquisition system also enhances precision and repeatability.

The new FMU 6.7 has the new tool carrier (axial table) that is movable in the longitudinal direction of the wire. WAFIOS will be showing it in a special version with a processing power for up to 6.30 mm spring steel wire at the WIRE trade show in Düsseldorf. This was made possible by the special design of the fundamental components in order to guarantee the customary high standard and long service life.

Thanks to the new degree of freedom acquired from the axial tables, complex bent parts, springs, extended loop springs, and double torsion springs with inside legs can be produced, even with 63.0 mm spring steel wire.. This option of moving the tool carrier forward with respect to the wire axis, and backward as well if needed, allows further processing of components in operations after the cut. A high output will be achieved by parallel operation in several stations (axial and vertical).

As an option, WAFIOS also offers the possibility of acquiring an FMU 6 in a heavier- duty version that can process spring steel wire up to 8.0 mm in diameter. The FMU 6 likewise covers a wide range of products. Here as well, parallel work processes, apart from axial movement, are possible.

The FMU series covers an operating range from 0.16 to 6.30 mm, even 7.0 or 8.0 mm in special versions.


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