WAFIOS Inaugurates “Service Center Ost“ to Provide Optimum Service to Customers in the New German Federal States, Bavaria, the Czech Republic and Poland

November 10 was the day of the inauguration ceremony of the “Service Center Ost” in Marktredwitz, Germany.

Fig. 1 Speech on the occasion of the “Service Center Ost“ inauguration

Fig. 2 Directors of “Service Center Ost“, Mr. Friedrich (left) and Mr. Kollarik

Fig. 3 An immense number of visitors was also interested in the in-house exhibition that took place at the same time

November 10 was the day of the inauguration ceremony of the “Service Center Ost” in Marktredwitz, Germany. For three days, customers and interested visitors were able to get information about the new service center’s range of services.

The “Service Center Ost“ closes the last gap in the German and Central European customer service network of WAFIOS AG. Marktredwitz, located in the Northern Bavarian Fichtelgebirge, is a strategically advantageous place close to the Czech border and thus enables short service response times not only for customers in the new German Federal States and Bavaria but also for customers in the Central European neighbor countries Poland and the Czech Republic.

Thomas Hösle, Chairman of the Board of Directors, emphasized at the inauguration ceremony that the “Service Center Ost“ is another important component of the WAFIOS “Service Campaign“. The “Service Center Ost“ means not only a clear commitment to the WAFIOS plant in Marktredwitz, which has always played an important role in the production of complicated components and complete machines, but also an upgrading of the site within the production and customer service network of the WAFIOS Group. WAFIOS employs around 110 people in Marktredwitz.

From now on, the service center will not only offer conventional services like repairs, customer services and spare part services but, under the direction of Tobias Kollarik and Thomas Friedrich, there will also be training provided for junior staff members. Moreover, customers have the possibility to receive training lessons on the operation of existing or new machine types.

The immense number of visitors that came to the inauguration of the “Service Center Ost“ as well as to the in-house exhibition that took place at the same time, showed that the offered range of services met a lot of interest. Especially customers from the Marktredwitz region are looking forward to a considerably better attendance of their needs due to the “Service Center Ost“.

Contact data:
Service Center Ost
Flottmannstrasse 24-28

95615 Marktredwitz

Phone: +49 92 31 96 94 11
Phone: +49 92 31 96 94 12
Fax: +49 92 31 96 94 57


Public Relations
Silberburgstraße 5
D - 72764 Reutlingen / Germany

Phone: +49 7121 146-0
Fax: +49 7121 491209
E-Mail: media@remove-this.wafios.de

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