WAFIOS Customer Service in Reutlingen Offers Retrofitting Service for More than 20 Machine Types by Now

Fig. 1: Before

Fig. 2: After

When buying a new high-end wire processing machine from the WAFIOS range of machinery, customers expect to have made a long-term, sustainable investment. But especially in the case of long-life, high-quality means of production, it is inevitable that - as innovation and development cycles are becoming shorter - machines are still in use while technological developments have advanced and spare parts are no longer available. Frequently, there also exists an extensive stock of matching tools which makes it economically sensible to continue production with these machines.

In this case, retrofitting is the perfect solution for avoiding the depreciation of the machine and thus a new investment. Retrofitting may involve the modernization / renewal of entire machines or parts of a machine in order to maintain its value but also to enhance the output, quality and efficiency of the machine.

The renewal of a machine includes individual components, like drives and controls or the entire electrical system, the hydraulic system with its pumps, distributers and valves but also mechanical repairs and modifications of e.g. bearings, shafts and guides. Recently, the partial retrofitting of control and drive technology has been included.

Retrofitting holds the following benefits: the usually robust and valuable machine body is preserved and additional training is not required or only to a limited extent, as the machine and its functions are known.

The use of already existing, expensive tools is another very important aspect. Moreover, there is a warranty on the new parts installed and the increase in output and quality that comes with the modernization also has to be considered.

Finally, the use of latest technology significantly reduces the number of machine breakdowns and also eliminates the problem of not available spare parts for very old machines.

Retrofitting solutions from the WAFIOS Customer Service include the replacement of assemblies, the installation of latest control and drive technology as well as the use of new materials.

As of late, WAFIOS also offers the partial retrofit of control technology, including an upgrade to EtherCat, and of programming systems of older compression spring coilers of the FUL series. The retrofitting package includes the replacement of out-dated control technology and drives, the conversion to a PC-based computer system with WAFIOS programming system WPS 3 and the installation of an optional camera measuring system.

It is important to know that retrofitting does not mean to renew the machine in the traditional sense but to upgrade a reliably working machine to state-of-the-art technology, to ensure the availability of spare parts, especially for discontinued electrical components as well as to optimize and modernize mechanical components of this machine.

WAFIOS in Reutlingen has offered and continuously expanded retrofitting services for more than ten years. Currently, there are about 15 employees in the Customer Service at the headquarters in Reutlingen responsible for the renewal of existing and used machinery.

By now, WAFIOS offers retrofits for a total of 20 different machine types, from chain welding and straightening machines up to all types of spring machines (compression, torsion, extension and other spring machines).

Success and an increasing interest in retrofits prove the WAFIOS Customer Service right.

A further expansion of the retrofitting program is planned. Nevertheless, it always depends on the technology the customer currently uses as well as the feasibility and economic expediency of the retrofit planned.


Public Relations
Silberburgstraße 5
D - 72764 Reutlingen / Germany

Phone: +49 7121 146-0
Fax: +49 7121 491209
E-Mail: media@remove-this.wafios.de

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