WAFIOS AG presents the very solid and efficient new CNC bending and coiling machine B3

The development of the B3 is WAFIOS’ response to numerous customer requests for a solid, simple but very powerful wire bending machine.


The development of the B3 is WAFIOS’ response to numerous customer requests for a solid, simple but very powerful wire bending machine.

The B3 is the culmination of a symbiosis between innovative ideas and many years of know-how collected at WAFIOS. The familiar BM series concept of turning the wire rather than the bending head has been successfully integrated into the B3 design. The fixed position of the bending head offers a wealth of benefits in terms of performance, process reliability, quality and service life.

The bending and cutting device are neither pneumatically nor hydraulically controlled, substantially reducing set-up times and making the system far less susceptible to faults. Moreover, cycle times can be optized depending on the production processes. Thanks to the exact control of processes, decisive quality improvements can ultimately be achieved.

The machine is designed for processing wire diameters of 2.0-6.5 mm at a maximum infeed speed of 120 m/min. The support plate can be adjusted manually, the bend-back clearance can be max. 700 mm.

The B3 is equipped with the proven and user-friendly WAFIOS Programming System WPS 3. As an option the machine can be upgraded with iQ functions for enhanced efficiency through intelligent process and quality control.

The development of the new B3 places WAFIOS firmly in the high-end sector, and provides impressive proof of what can be achieved using modern mechanical engineering, electronics and control systems today. This is a highly successful concept combining innovation with proven engineering concepts which provides all the right answers to the demands of today’s manufacturing industry in terms of flexibility, economy and performance. The low unit costs, the high output rate, the safe and simple handling as well as the minimized set-up times are the outstanding features of the WAFIOS B3.

Perfect application areas of the CNC bending and coiling machine are - amongst others - bent wire parts for the automotive and supplier industry, furniture producers, shop designers and the electronics and toy industry. The WAFIOS B3 is particularly suited for the production of parts made of stainless steel.


Public Relations
Silberburgstraße 5
D - 72764 Reutlingen / Germany

Phone: +49 7121 146-0
Fax: +49 7121 491209
E-Mail: media@remove-this.wafios.de

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