2015 Conference of Chinese Spring Manufacturers in Wuxi

Spring Manufacturers in Wuxi 2015

Spring Manufacturers in Wuxi 2015

Spring Manufacturers in Wuxi 2015

The annual conference of the most important Chinese spring manufacturers took place in May. In 2015, this conference was held together with a large exhibition in Wuxi. This year, WAFIOS was honored to be the main sponsor of the event. Dr. Müller-Mederer, Member of the Executive Board of the WAFIOS AG, and Mr. Tony Ge, Managing Director of WAFIOS Shanghai Machinery, held the opening address. They informed the 300 participants about the most important developments in the compression and torsion spring machinery sector. Between speeches and seminars, the participants had the chance to visit the exhibition. The centrally placed WAFIOS booth was the focus and visitor magnet of the event. The bending machine B3, the compression spring machine FUL 56 and the new torsion spring machine FMU 16 were presented and wowed visitors. 


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