New WAFIOS Product Family Offers, under the Label “iQ”, Functions for Improving the Part Quality, the Process Speed and the Availability of Machines for Producing Springs and Bent Parts

All functions explained in the following are additional options of the WAFIOS programming system WPS 3.

All functions explained in the following are additional options of the WAFIOS programming system WPS 3.

iQbestspeed enables, in connection with a camera measuring system, an automatical detection of the ideal operating point for reaching highest quality and outputs. It allows the operator to find the exact maximum machine speed at which the required quality is still ensured.

iQbend facilitates the automatical optimization of CNC program sequences in order to reduce the familiar oscillation of long bent parts. Thus the quality of parts as well as the process speed is improved at the push of a button.

iQspring® offers a graphical simulation of the production process of torsion springs with the FMK series. Thereby, the part can be set up, the process can be checked for collisions and the cycle time can be calculated and automatically optimized without making any trial runs on the machine. iQspring® increases the availability of the machine while also increasing the output.

iQcontrol enables the reduction of tolerances of the spring length and the end position by means of an active intervention during the coiling process and thus reduces the reject rate while improving the part quality.

iQautopitch supports the set-up of compression spring coilers. If there are deviations detected by a spring measuring device while setting up transition coils, these deviations usually need to be corrected by an experienced operator. iQautopitch enables the automatical correction of transition coils at cylindrical standard spring bodies. Tooling times are reduced and less set-up parts are required.


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