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WAFIOS FTU 1.5 Torsion Spring Coiling Machine – a Power Package Peppered with Innovative Engineering

Fig. 1 WAFIOS FTU 1.5

Fig. 2 Tooling area with control shafts

With the FTU 1.5 torsion spring coiling machine, WAFIOS has achieved a considerable increase in performance without sacrificing either quality or service life. And what is more, it also gives customers the option of using many of their existing tool sets.

Thanks to its favorable unit cost price, the FTU 1.5 is particularly suitable for the production of simple torsion springs in large numbers. These springs are used in the automobile and electrical industries as well as in the field of white goods and other areas.

High performance at optimized cost...

The slide feed is driven with the aid of a linear motor, which enables the wire to be retracted at high speed. Moreover, the servomotor-controlled lateral motion of the coiling unit and the new, more powerful coiling gears result in a considerable increase in performance.

The high compatibility with a large number of existing tool sets serves to reduce costs, as does the considerably more affordable basic machine package. Furthermore, the newly developed slide feed features lower electricity consumption coupled with longer maintenance cycles.

Even more varied applications and shorter tooling times

The new, comfortable and user-friendly WAFIOS Programming System WPS 3.2 EasyCam enables sequence programming with electronic cams. Apart from enhancing user-friendliness, it shortens set-up times and increases flexibility in terms of applications. The new concept of incorporating up to three separately running, servomotor-driven control shafts offers significant benefits when setting up and performing the individual programming. Numerous options enable individual features to be added flexibly to suit the field of application in which the machine is used.

At a further configuration level, there will also be a FTU 1.5 torsion spring coiling machine available that allows the production of copper coils.

Maximum quality and repeatability

The optimized, extremely rigid machine design ensures a uniformly high product quality. The machine body has been completely redeveloped without this resulting in any losses in either quality or the service life of the machine. All forces up to the machine’s maximum workload can be diverted without problem through the redesigned stand. Besides the aspect of quality assurance, this also results in a high level of repeatability.

The ability to move the coiling unit sideways prevents the wire from buckling between the wire guide and the coiler. The clamping pressure of the feed roll can be subjected to individual pneumatic configuration, ensuring safe and gentle wire guidance.

The FTU 1.5 machine from WAFIOS has been subjected to thorough reworking and redesigning, which has resulted in a considerable increase in performance while allowing unit cost advantages to be exploited without any sacrifices in terms of quality or the machine’s service life.


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