International design award Baden-Württemberg

International design award Baden-Württemberg

BM 90

Bending wires on an industrial scale is a job for special CNC machines that are capable of producing not just two-dimensional components but three-dimensional parts as well. The Latest-generation single-head bending and coiling machine BM9O, for instance, uses three independently operable mandrel and bending axes and a moving cutting unit to process wires with a diameter of up to 16 millimetres. First and foremost, the design concept aims to structure and reduce the pro cess-related complexity of the System at visual Level. Above all, this is achieved by means of smooth panelling and a big, flat front with striking seams aligned to echo the horizontal production process, which can be monitored during Operation through the big, blue-tinted pane of glass without having to open any cover panels. The front slants slightly backwards, giving it a dynamic appearance, and can be swung up by means of a motor to permit access during setup and maintenance work.


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