Company History
1893 Production of manual chain link fencing machine by Ernst Wagner in Pfullingen
1914 Foundation of WAFIOS (Wagner, Ficker and O. Schmid)
1945 Destruction by air raid
1958 Foundation of WAFIOS Machinery Corporation in the USA
1965 Foundation of Martkredwitz production branch with 150 employees
1968 Foundation of WAFIOS do Brasil
1988 Acquisition of chain machine manufacturer Meyer, Roth & Pastor (MRP)
1998 Acquisition of the company Witels-Albert, manufacturer of wire-straightening machines
1998 WAFIOS becomes a joint-stock company
2006 Merger of Hilgeland and Formatech into WAFIOS Umformtechnik
2009 Foundation, setting up and expansion of the WAFIOS Tool Center
2012 Inauguration of new Plant 3 (Mechanical Production) in Reutlingen
2013 Foundation of WAFIOS Shanghai Machinery (WSM)
2015 Establishment of the WAFIOS Midwest Technical Center in Chicago, IL
2015 Foundation of WAFIOS Tube Automation GmbH
2016 Foundation of WAFIOS de México, S.A. de C.V.
2019 Foundation of EURINDEQ WAFIOS
1905 First Automatic wire fencing machine
1923 First clutch-controlled spring coiling machine for wire diameters up to 6 mm
1960 First automatic tension spring/looping machine ZO 1
1978 First electronically controlled spring coiling machine
1990 Revolutionary nail making machine N 90
1994 Graphic programming system WPS
1996 CNC-controlled bending and coiling center FMU
1999 First multi-station header with servo-drive technology for coldformed precision parts
1999 Compression spring machine FSE
2000 Machines for processing tubes
2001 Multi-station header up to 38 mm
2004 FMU 1.2 and 1.7 line for complicated non-cylindrical springs and bent parts
2006 CNC multi-head bending machine BT 4
2008 Economic spring coiling machine FMK for the production of non-cylindrical springs
2012 iQ-new control functions for process optimization
2014 Word premiere WAFIOS EasyWay control software
2016 Industry price for iQsmartbend
2017 First WAFIOS CNC chain bending machine
2021 SpeedFormer - Revolutionary bending concept
2022 First CNC-controlled tube bending machine for plastic tubes HotBend 35
WAFIOS Machinery Corporation
27 Northeast Industrial Rd
Branford CT 06405 / USA
Phone: 203-481-5555
Fax: 203-481-9854
E-Mail: sales@ wafios.us
Internet: www.wafios.us