Code of Conduct of the WAFIOS Group 

We consider the safety of our products and our work procedures to be a matter of course.

We pay attention to the observance of our standards:

The technological leadership of the WAFIOS Group requires our products to be of top quality. It is for this reason that statutory and other binding regulations must be strictly observed. We ask ourselves every day whether we could further improve our products, technologies, and procedures, and pass on suggestions to those tasked with continuous improvement processes or superiors.

We pay close attention to the safety of our products:

We develop our machines in line with state-of-the-art technology and submit them to thorough testing. In doing so, we also keep the safety of our customers and their machine operators firmly in mind. We consider compliance with the current Machinery Directive and other regulations to be a matter of course.

We pay close attention to the safety of our work procedures:

The WAFIOS Group protects its employees, customers, and suppliers, as well the general public from health risks in connection with its business activity. It is for this reason that statutory and other safety regulations must be strictly observed. We see it as our obligation to provide suggestions that will further improve safety measures.


WAFIOS Machinery Corporation  
27 Northeast Industrial Rd 
Branford CT 06405 / USA 
Phone: 203-481-5555
Fax: 203-481-9854


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