Code of Conduct of the WAFIOS Group 

We nurture a fair working relationship with our partners and employees.

We nurture a fair working relationship:

For us, a fair working relationship with customers, suppliers, partners, competitors, and employees is a matter of course. We do not procure unfair advantage for ourselves over others. We conduct business in a law-abiding manner and also expect the same from our business partners. Unfair advantages can relate not only to the business as such, but also to fringe benefits such as documentation for fiscal purposes or business financing, for instance. We therefore only depart from our internal guidelines, such as work instructions and templates, following consultation with superiors.

And also expect the same from our partners:

We ask that our global network of partners abide by our Code of Conduct.


WAFIOS Machinery Corporation  
27 Northeast Industrial Rd 
Branford CT 06405 / USA 
Phone: 203-481-5555
Fax: 203-481-9854


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