Code of Conduct of the WAFIOS Group 

Corruption and criminal behavior have no place in our company.

A careful approach when receiving and giving advantages:

We do not intend to allow gifts or invitations to sway our business decisions and our behavior, especially when services are expected in return. At the same time, we are governed by standards of common courtesy. For example, we only only accept business partners' invitations to events that are within the scope of official duties, allow us to represent our company, and so long as these are considered to be socially acceptable.

For us, donation and sponsoring is a social, cultural, and collective obligation:

The granting of donations for purposes that are social, cultural, and collective is only permissible subject to approval. Decisions relating to donation are taken by the Executive Board. Cash donations are not permitted. Donations to political parties, their affiliated organizations, public and elected officials, or candidates for a public post are not allowed.

Even giving the impression that the granting of donations could in any way influence business relationships between the WAFIOS Group and third parties is also to be avoided. The WAFIOS Group considers sponsoring to be a way of accepting social responsibility, as well as promoting the company image and profile. Sponsoring is a form of exchange transaction, which is based on an appropriate relationship of performance and reward.


WAFIOS Machinery Corporation  
27 Northeast Industrial Rd 
Branford CT 06405 / USA 
Phone: 203-481-5555
Fax: 203-481-9854


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