Code of Conduct of the WAFIOS Group 

We protect and strengthen the assets and trade secrets of our company and our shareholders.

We protect our company's assets:

All employees protect assets against theft, negligence, deliberate damage, and wastage. All assets and resources are used exclusively for operational purposes.

We treat business documentation and intellectual property as confidential:

Every employee has a duty to ensure that company information of any kind is stored securely and is protected from being disclosed to or accessed by authorized third parties. We keep the commercially sensitive data committed to us by our business partners confidential and use it only for the agreed purpose. Non-disclosure agreements are observed at all times. We also expect the same from our business partners in return.

We ensure that suitable measures are in place to protect commercially sensitive data and intellectual property. We observe the relevant existing regulations regarding the provision and usage of communication devices and software, access to a document management system, as well as the introduction and use of e-mail, intranet and Internet services by employees.

We are cautious when publicly stating views:

Information relating to the WAFIOS Group is released into the public domain solely by the respective Executive Boards or the employees responsible for such matters. We avoid giving the impression of speaking on behalf of WAFIOS if this does not form part of our official duties. Company-internal or confidential information, that is to say information that has not been made publicly available, is not disclosed.

We are compliant with IT security and data protection standards:

IT devices are suitably stored at all times and password protection requirements are met. Individual user passwords must not be disclosed to other employees or to third parties. We are governed by statutory and internal data protection regulations and, in particular, protect all personal data against loss, destruction, and unauthorized access.


WAFIOS Machinery Corporation  
27 Northeast Industrial Rd 
Branford CT 06405 / USA 
Phone: 203-481-5555
Fax: 203-481-9854


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