With our innovative iQ-functions, you are given the opportunity to further improve major attributes of your WAFIOS machine. We're offering these process optimizations for all WAFIOS machine groups.
Compression Spring Coilers
- iQautopitch: Automatic Pitch and Diameter Correction with an External Measuring Device
- iQbestspeed: Calculation of the optimal feed speed
- iQcontrol: In-Process-Control of Spring Length, End Position and Diameter
- iQopticut: Camera Measuring System with Flying Rotating Cut
- iQspring2FUL: Copying a Compression Spring by Means of an External Measuring Device
Torsion Spring Coilers
Spring End Grinding Machines
- iQtemperature: Improving the Quality and Performance of the Spring End Grinding Process by means of a Temperature-Controlled Grinding Technique
- iQvariodress: Reduction of Set-Up Work Due to Simple Adjustment of Variable Dressing Speeds
- iQbestload: Quality Enhancement by Synchronization of the Loading and Grinding Time
Single-Head Wire Benders
- iQbend: Reduction of Set-Up Effort due to simplified Adjustment of the Bending Speed
- iQbendcontrol: In-Process-Measurement and Regulation of the Bending Angle
- iQconvert: Automatic Conversion of CAD-Drawings into WPS-Programs
- iQinspect: Automatic Correction of bent parts with an External Measuring Device
- iQsmartbend: Quality and Performance Enhancement by automatic optimization of bent parts
- iQwire: Simulation of the bending process with collision control and cycle time determination
Multiple-Head Wire Benders
- iQbend: Reduction of Set-Up Effort due to simplified Adjustment of the Bending Speed
- iQconvert: Automatic Conversion of CAD-Drawings into WPS-Programs
- iQinspect: Automatic Correction of bent parts with an External Measuring Device
- iQsmartbend: Quality and Performance Enhancement by automatic optimization of bent parts
- iQwire: Simulation of the bending process with collision control and cycle time determination
Single-Head Tube Bending Machine
- iQbend: Reduction of Set-Up Effort due to simplified Adjustment of the Bending Speed
- iQconvert: Automatic Conversion of CAD-Drawings into WPS-Programs
- iQfreeform: Optimization of Set-Up Times Through Simplified Programming of Free-Form Geometries
- iQinspect: Automatic Correction of bent parts with an External Measuring Device
- iQsmartbend: Quality and Performance Enhancement by automatic optimization of bent parts
- iQtorque: Work Part- and tool-breakage detection through monitoring of the engine torque
- iQtube: Simulation of the bending process with collision control and cycle time determination
- iQtube+: Simulation of the bending process with collision avoidance and performance increase
- iQtubeorientation: Automated orientation of perforated and marked tubes before the bending operation
Multiple-Head Tube Bendig Machine
- iQbend: Reduction of Set-Up Effort due to simplified Adjustment of the Bending Speed
- iQconvert: Automatic Conversion of CAD-Drawings into WPS-Programs
- iQinspect: Automatic Correction of bent parts with an External Measuring Device
- iQtube: Simulation of the bending process with collision control and cycle time determination
Straightening Machines
WAFIOS Machinery Corporation
27 Northeast Industrial Rd
Branford CT 06405 / USA
Phone: 203-481-5555
Fax: 203-481-9854
E-Mail: sales@ wafios.us
Internet: www.wafios.us